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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Masters and Simplicity: The Veena Makers

We were in south India, and in search of a harmonium maker.

After asking around, we were assured that the right place had been found, and a few of us hopped into some tuk-tuks and headed out, down bouncy dirt roads, far out of town, until we came to this small workshop, which was NOT in fact a harmonium maker (surprise, surprise) but another kind of handcrafting.

Here, in this open air, dirt floored workshop, 3 generations of men were handmaking beautiful Veenas. 

You can see the progression below, from the raw wood to the instrument being tuned.   Each one of these takes a month to make, and there are usually several in process at once.

When you see the craftsmanship, the effort, the sheer patience and attention to detail that goes into these, you understand why the mission of Dharma Boutique resonates.  To discover, share and elevate artisans and makers around the world is joyful work.

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