Phew, it's been a while since I've been in blog mode. Took a while to acclimate to the US of A, but sure as green grass follows this summer's New England rains, I got sucked right back in to the home flow. Been very deep in web lila--developing the almost-ready-for-prime-time new Dharma Boutique web shop and adventure site, which should be launch-worthy within just a couple/few weeks. Exciting, but I'm tres tired...
Anyway, tomorrow morning I'm back to the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck NY--scene of the above photo and my last post, oddly enough--for Ecstatic Chant, their annual Labor Day kirtan extravaganza, to play with Shyamdas and commune with all the beautiful people. (For this, we miss Burning Man. C'est la vie, eh? Pffft.) Mostly packed, still have to run through and pack the gear, taking a popcorn break as soon as I stop typing. Which means, now, while it's fresh and hot.
If you are also one of the many hundreds up at Omega, come say hi!
More before too long,